Sunday, April 04, 2021

April 5 TSL's NAPOWRIMO Picture prompt given by Reena R


April 5 Picture Prompt TSL's NAPOWRIMO
Far away the building nestles
It is a school where young minds go.
I sit here brassy, bronzed and brazen.
I have blue-green claavu on my dress.
I am symbol. I am mascot.
I am dwarapalakan.
My seat is the whole wide world
Globe as chair and in my hand
Is the world as text or book
In my hand Holmes' clue-finder
I have been sitting here for ages
I may sit here many more
What I read is blank pages
What I see through the lens is convex and complex
Enlarged by any who stands behind
My message is about freedom
Though they've fixed me here in one place
Learning makes one travel the earth
Not to be cooped up in a building
And even the poor can journey forth
By the magic of the letters
Wander everywhere far and wide
Dreams can be magnified
And the globe can be your throne
I am in a uniform
I am but a little child
I am of an indiscriminate race
But to read and be literate
And to see things clearly
Is a great power, we do see
A little knowledge can go a long while
Kings and rich men fear learning
Knowledge is power and capital
Come, students of the world,
Whatever your gender or race
Religion, caste or creed
Recognize your potential
Know that to mastery age is just a number
At a young age, you can learn more than others
Your mind is keener, your eyesight shaper
And the whole expanse of the universe or earth
At your feet lies and awaits. Your grasp
Is in it, and who said that
To achieve something
That lasts forever
One must become aged first?