Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The next assignment

I want my blog to flow in every direction. I feel that what I wanted to say about the nature of the pedagogy used in Aditi wasn't said well enough by me because I haven't yet reflected deeply enough on it. WhatI want to say can be started this way. About four years ago I started a re-learning process regarding the use of the computer. My colleagues were using blackboard and chalk and handouts of notes that were photostatted. I felt the need update myself on what was happening in the world of technology so that I could think about how to use it in present day education. So I hit the net! It was an electrifying experience. Without being aware of what others around the world were doing I surfed freely and found out the myriad possibilities of the world wide web. Starting from the most commonly used interfaces of communication like email and its variations to really complex possibilities of expression and communication available on the net, I ranged freely around its bourne enjoying everything there. It had a fallout effect in the sense that I suddenly felt a gap between me and my colleagues becasue I wanted to bring in this technology into the classroom and they were petrified by understandable fears like are we too old to learn it , it's just a new-fangled innovation etc. Kerala has good , even excellent, teachers but their methodology is outmoded. I belong to that background. So when I came here to Aditi and Tara Kini's classes went on, my mind exploded with the same re-cognition that had happened to me when I started serious surfing for new ways to transfer information etc.
I realised that a teaching revolution had occurred in the world that I was not part of, that I knew nothing about. At the same time I felt at ease in the new dispensation because the thoughts were all familiar to me as my thoughts on teaching while I had sat alone and thought on these things in Trivandrum. What I had thought of they were already doing and had been doing for years here. The thought was both humbling and exciting. When I started blogging one of the first things that came to me back in TVM was how blogging could help my P.G students and what a pity it was I couldn't make them do it because of financial constraints. So when I came here and got the opportunity to start my own blog it was both self-confirming and exhilarating.
To come to the main point. I am now interested i ntrying to delineate for myself what this system of pedagogy is all about. What is the underlying philosophy? Constructivism? I have started reading Anita Rampal's essay on the Science curriculum and it has a good definition of constructivism in it. Piaget and cognitive psychologists are involved , yes, I know. Modern experiments in pedagogy are implicated too. But what is the structure?
In the next blog I hope to put in Anita Rampal's defintion of constructivism. I am reading the four essays and deciding which one to choose for my next assignment.
I want to write something clear, simple and fresh without compromising on the guidelines given.
Maybe I could start with a definition of education? I think I will use Tagore and Jesus a lot. Not sure. This is good , the mental cogs have started spinning -----
And thanks a lot, all of you for leaving such encouraging comments for me to read on the blog .
I want to acknowledge here that all of you have taught me more than you think and I can hope to give back.


  1. Koshy, I could tune in with the thoughts and feelings you have shared in this blog - the excitement of an idea becoming a reality, beginning a re-learning process, the need to update myself, colleagues petrified by understandable fears of technology, to name a few.
    Correct me if I am wrong but I also sense in you, an urgency to learn and experiment – which again I share with you and give full credit to the environment and opportunities that Aditi has always given.I hope you optimise every opportunity that you come by.

  2. Yeah, Nalini, you are perceptive. Glad to hear from you and hope you're really getting into the swing of research.
