Monday, December 12, 2005


The criteria must be clear.

But what if it isnt clear to the student even if it is to the teacher? Can group grades be turned into individual grades? Is it good to be someone who stirs up a hornet's nest wherever one goes? I facilitate well for adults but the challenge is to do it for eleventh graders in General English. How to achieve evenness and excellence?

Different needs and levels. Assessment is not the issue but development is.


  1. If assessment is not developmental then it is anti-learning! Unfortunately, the kind of summative assessment that dictates our entire education system globally, is far from being developmental - it is aimed at survival of the fittest!

    Yes, it is not always easy to make assessment criteria clear to students! And very often that is becasue we are hazy about it ourselves!

    About stirring hornet's nests! Provoking thinking is stimulating -how much each one can take, however, is crucial!

  2. i entirely agee. it is a tightrope walk. the haziness must be dispeeled. this comment is really practice oriented, comes from practice and will help build my practice...
