Saturday, December 10, 2005

The English Seminar

A teacher wants , naturally, to showcase his best work.
I helped seven groups of three students each to do a project on different genres of film. The project was supposed to end in a written paper and a presentation after research , team work etc. The genres were chosen by them. As was the topic film, and the films. In all twenty films were chosen.
The results ranged from spectacularly successful to dismally abysmal. According to yours truly.

I was reminded of Beckett.In Worstward Ho.

"No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."
I love that pun in the last bit.

One must have the courage to make gigantic attempts, make gigantic mistakes.....

To come back to the beginning.

I am showcasing two of the papers written for the seminar, the best of the seven. This one's for my/the students, a reward for their hardwork.

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