Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The first session of the CASW

We six , +2 group , namely; Hema, Bala, Joel, Anu, Viji and myself met at 2.30 p.m. in the A.V. room. Kalpana was also there as an observer . The session was facilitated by me. Hema presented a project on fuel cells and the use of hydrogen fuel cells in space shuttles and other applications like cars and buses. The powerpoint presentation shown was that of a project done by five 9 D students. She shared the learning objectives she had set and the guidelines she had given and also the assessment criteria. She also shared with us the mark sheet filled in by Mrs. Kausalya who had been the judge of the presentation. After presenting the work she asked the group her three key questions.
1. How can one assess if all the participants in a group do/divide the research work equally while doing group projects?
2. How to assess if learning has taken place?
3. How can students who have fear in presenting be helped to ovecome it?

After her presentation we asked clarifying questions.
This was followed by individual writing and reflection and then the group discussion of the participants in which Kalpana also offered valuable insights .
Many interesting insights and strategies were thrown up.
Some of them were
a. closer monitoring of the process
b. shared mentoring of the groups so that things could be properly monitored.
c. smaller groups
d. a common work diary or proof that the presentation had come out of individual and group effort.
e. that the students have a bibliography.
f. connecting the learning objectives to the assessment criteria
g. fluid guidelines.
h. proper documentation
These are only some of the views expressed. The actual discussion was richer than this.

After the group discussion ended, the presenter reflected on what had been shared and spoke of how it had helped her and said that for her next project on fire extinguishers she would implement the suggestions she approved of and bring back the result for review.

The collaborative strategy building section lacked focus but again threw up various suggestions . One thing that was clear was that projects should have a single unifying theme but the subtopics could be chosen bythe students. Work would be delgated according to liking within each group and proof that work was taking place would have to be shown. Presentation skills could be taught or there could be a mock presentation and the teacher could even be a counsellor in case of emotions like fear.

The session then went on to debriefing.
Certain clear suggestions came forth,
It was decided to have only two key questions maximum.
The key questions would be framed more carefully.
Copies of LO's, etc. would be a help.
Time for each part of the tuning sessions was much discussed.
A significant suggestion was that each participant keep a CASW notebook
Blogging was also emphasised.
After thanking all concerned mutually the group dispersed.

Thanks to Pande and the tech team and Satish and Kalpana for making things possible in/for the first session.


  1. I'm glad you all thought of the 2 key question limit. Perhaps there were too many issues to wrestle with and that is why some of the discussions may have lacked focus?

    It's good feedback for all of us for the coming sessions.

    Thanks for sharing, Koshy.

  2. yeah, two key questions is a good thing....

  3. I am also wondering about ther strategies that are emerging - very practical no doubt, but more managerial than to do with brain based learning, like 'close monitoring', 'keeping evidence that work has been done'. Some suggestions that LO should be connected to the assessment are sound. How about some ideas like maintaining an interactive notebook?

    I am just loud thinking. Perhaps much more happened in the participant discussion phase than could be recorded.

    Thanks for the facilitation, Koshy, and the report.

  4. Tara, for a more complete idea of what happened Hema's blog also has to be read and those of the others, I guess...

  5. for instance the interactive notebook idea was suggested by bala...
