Thursday, October 15, 2009


was in saudi arabia
now in libya

just got a poem in my head after a long while

the awe of the ewe

i dug a well in trivandrum
the water was fresh and clear
it tasted good, it tasted pure
till one day i had to go

i went north, then over land
then over the sea, kept digging wells
they gave me water
to keep thirst at bay
but always then came
the ones who said
move over, this place is ours
so i packed up, now wonder where
the well is there that when i dig
no one will care and i can drink
sweet water, to my fill

till then my lot
to dig and dig
here and there
my spade rock-hard.

1 comment:

  1. HI KOSHY,

    Suchitra here. Loved your poem. Wish you all the best in your work in Libya.

    I had mailed you a questionnaire and would like your resonse to that asap. Is your email still If not can you mail me your id to

    Thank and regards,
