Thursday, January 21, 2010


What do the number of hits one gets signify? Does it mean you are good at what you are doing?
My video on my autistic son has got more than 5000 hits.I put it in three places.
The hits keep mounting in youtube, in academici for a poem I wrote and I did get a lot of hits on, writing as learnertransmitter, while the place was alive and kicking.
However I also have places where I get no hits or zero.
Strange things happen on the net. An article I wrote on Declan Galbraith's song has surfaced elsewhere.

My videos proliferate endlessly. The tagging does it.
My Facebook notes are read if I tag people.
Well , it all makes life a litle more interesting if nothing else.
Still have a long way to go.
I got votes for my poem by canvassing.
However things on the net are also fluid , you appear and disapear, I don't know if anything on the net has long life.
I remember writing a paper on Paradjanov that appeared in various places, as did two of my other papers but now those links have all been wiped out.

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