Sunday, April 13, 2014

About our new upcoming book Wake Up, India! Essays for our Times by Dr Koshy A.V and Dr Bina Biswas

    Our upcoming book Wake Up, India! Essays for Our Times by me and Dr Bina Biswas wrestles with the idea of what India really is. While all of us respect India's past as Bharath do we have to accept the Hindutva version of it as the only true one? Don't many of us find that we belong more in the India that came into being on August 1947, 12 p.m.? And are we not looking forward to an India that is not just politically able to choose its own government, where one is physically (seemingly) free, but to greater freedoms fulfilling all that is promised in the constitution and potentially ours but not ours yet. The book is a pointer and a signboard to awaken your thoughts on the participatory process of nation building where all of us can have our own dreams and visions and bring them into being as a billion and more torch bearers, to make India truly 'mahaan' in the 21st century as others too, like Kalam, have envisioned. This incomplete in the best sense of the word book - as all such books must be - going to be brought out by Mahip Chadha of YsBooks Intl will be a must read for all who are genuinely interested in joining in the ongoing process of nation building and thoughts on the same as well as discussion and action on it. We and our people are great and in these days when the whole world is going to become one we have to move beyond what our petty leaders have had to offer to us so far to a larger bigger wider group vision and this book will act as the lynch-pin for such a discussion, going beyond even the beginnings set by stalwarts like Kejriwal, in its concise seed-like brevity. It sows ideas as seeds. It is a book for the people, of the people and written by two of India's people. When we sow good ideas of equality, justice and progress or make people aware of them it is not always necessary that the ones who introduce the ideas need be the ones who carry them out; sometimes they need not even be thanked if the fruit is of use to many people. We hope this book alters many perceptions and starts off movements that makes things better for our nation in leaps and bounds in the coming century.
    Mahip Chadha, our publisher, says about our new soon to come out book Wake Up, India: Personally, I realise its worth and was keen that it should be published before the elections so that the readers get an insight into Indian politics and the lethargy which grips our populace! Nevertheless there is no harm in trying- after all we know that = if wishes were horses,beggars would ride-consider me a beggar !You guys and gals are going to love this piece of artistry woven by two literate doctors!

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