Monday, December 19, 2016


It was a dead end
(but) even dead ends (reach their) end
It (too/finally) did

It was a one-way street
a one-way ticket
That is why since day before I gave it my all
after understanding just who you were and I looked like to all
It was my farewell gift
after understanding how well you are able to make me die
and fall
You did not hear the terrible thud
it made
I killed (y)our love
as it ended
the music
dying in my room
of my love for you
a sound softer than the sound of a dying fall
If you had you would have wept
as the one that died, it's true, lost
but nothing as much as to what you lost
to what you would have got
in the many years still left to it
if you had not done this (at) all.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes one forgets that poems can be people. The thud sounds ominous.
