Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Resurrection Day

Copyright Koshy AV
After the battles
after the wars
after the arrest, 'the torchlight red on sweaty faces'
after the betrayals, the denials, the trial
after the scourging, the spit and the mocking
after the falling, the weight, and the hoisting
after the desertions, and death, e'erything marred
despite the nails and the crown of thorns
despite the spear in the side and the wounds bleeding
despite the dark grave after the dying
After the thinning of the hair
After becoming more and more bald
After the black becoming the grey
After the paunch and the becoming ugly
After being one step closer each minute
To the fall of the final curtain for all
Despite everything
despite everyone
despite hunger, thirst, loneliness, grief, suffering and gall
despite the hurt, the pain, the sweat and the tears
despite it all
I find myself, still standing tall
far from the strife, the din and the fray
Despite fighting face to face
with the evil one who wanted to destroy me
I still have come to Resurrection Day
My feet have not stumbled, I did not fall
It was the stone that was rolled away
I am the Truth, the Life and the Way
The light of the world
Let no one now say
'Beyond here lies nothing'
It is a 'new morning'
"Fear not." Over such ones death no more has sway.

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