Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22 TSL Prompt Write on Donatello's Mary Magdalene

Hear my cry

Hear my cry, O Lord
Attend unto my prayer
I came from Magdala, a city a bit far
to Capernaum, where the lilies grow
By mischance, I fell into the hands of a rogue
who took my virginity, promising marriage
and then, sold me for a whore to a brothel
where I was made
to sink into the pits of all debauchery
Men came and did to me all they wanted
to, in their perverted minds
and my heart
dark grew, I cursed them
You know one such as I
feels that she is to blame for their acts
for permitting it, for some bread, and some wine
to bring forgetfulness, as to what they the next day will do to you
I have lost all
and am lost now
lost my beauty, youth, lost everything to men
They say I am possessed and oft I fly into a rage
and no one can control me
then weep like one demented
Then I become depressed and speak no word
but after a while they come and rape me again, shamefully
Lost and wretched, I tried oft to end my life
but they keep me alive for their filthy profit, vile
I heard tell of thee, Rabbi, that you are one
who accepts all
the sinner and the damned
so I have come
with nothing in my hands
to give to thee my all
with nothing but these pangs
Will you also turn away
or are you also bad?
I stand before thee, frightening
to look at, that I know
but you do not know how frightened
I am that you will go
You also will leave me
You are my last hope
They speak of me with dread
They speak of you with hate
We are well met
Don't go, reach out, touch me,
forgive me, make me feel
at least once a human
as when I was a child, again
heal me, and I will follow thee
Though all men forsake thee
I will not, I am a woman
I will be your shadow
And in it, you will gain
the strength you've never known
I know you are the one
who will become more than most
If you will take me in
I will be found, no longer lost

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