Sunday, April 12, 2020

Napowrimo 12 April 12 (Off the Prompt) Jesus

As triolets don't interest me let me write on Jesus, it being Easter.

Some say he didn't exist
Some say he was just a man
Some say his grave is found in Kashmir
Some say, in Jerusalem

To the Jews he was the false Messiah/the false Christ
To the Christians he is Lord
To the Muslims he is a prophet
To the Hindus one more God

Some say he was in India
Where he learned to walk on water
From the art of hatha yoga
And how to resurrect the dead

Some say he was in England
Some say that he was gay
Some say he was a woman
Some say that he took 'shrooms

But the Jesus that I met and know
Is none of all these things
He is both much simpler and deeper
And not deciphered by false runes

Some say he is resurrected
And ascended to the skies,
Will come back to judge the quick and the dead
With his saints and rapture his Bride

Then there will come the final reign
Of His, and peace on earth
and in heaven, both made new
With every tear wiped

And that's who I believe he is
As that's what gives me hope
To strive down here, below, now
To make things better for this world.

Inspired by Larry Norman for the form.

Jesus and Mary Magdalene whom he revealed himself to first after the resurrection

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