Monday, April 20, 2020

Napowrimo day 20 April 20 TSL Prompt "My mother, my best reader" ( A tribute to the writer Sara)

TSL PROMPT 20 (a lovely prompt by Udita Garg - thanks for this Udita, grateful!)
My Mother, my Best Reader (a tribute to the writer Sara)
I do not remember why but one day I set pen to paper
and wrote something, when six or seven
that included this line
"the moon is like a yellow plate,"
and my mom and dad took it
sent it to an international competition
for literature and the arts
and I won the prize
A silver cup arrived
with a book of illustrated Bible stories (so strange!)
and their annual book with my poem in it
along with art and writing from others around the world
plus a huge cheque
that was spent on going to Pai & Co
the best bookstore in Thurvananthapuram then, opposite Ayurveda college in those days, now no longer there
small but packed with the best books
with my brothers, sister, mom, and dad
buying me books that lasted a lifetime
Black Beauty, Enid Blyton, Tintin, fairy tales, folk tales from around the world and so many other books
that became my window to the world
and they put my picture in the Malayala Manorama newspaper
saying "Malayali balan sammaanaarhanayi"
I looked sweet and innocent with a smile
with my huge ears sticking out like Kafka's or Beckett's
Yes. My mom was my first and best reader
being herself a writer and poet, though she could only study till she became a matriculate which is another story
that led to me and my sister getting our Ph.Ds
She had made my two elder brothers and my sister
get the same prize too, earlier, to encourage us
start us off
in days when merit was still a term
that held meaning
for us lower-middle-class folk
and her encouragement
still holds me up
and led to us
having the writing streak even in our families
even now
so her grandchildren also write.
A reader who loves you
and wants to bring out the best in you
is that rarest gift
and makes a writer great
and we children had it in her
Such a gift happens only once
in a lifetime, perhaps
but once is enough.
It is made more poignant
by the fact that
she had no such person
in her life, to bring out the best in her
so she became that Light
to/for us.

20th April
So, for the prompt today, I hope you write an Ode to your most dedicated readers (who may be your admirers or critics, preferably from TSL family, though no limits) and also to get to know what do they exactly admire about your poetry and quote those lines from them in your poem. No, it's no mutual admiration clubs or coterie, you can also write why they hate your work and write one hateful Ode. 😁 This is no reader replacing the author as God either, just my attempt at making the reading experience here more meaningful. I hope you enjoy the conversation, thinking about your poetry and appreciating the people who read you. Gratitude! Prompt given by Udita Garg

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