Sunday, April 19, 2020

TSL Prompt Day 19 - A light hearted poem

Prompt 19 - First poem on it
Three hoodlums were seen one day
On the streets of Hamelin*
Don't ask me why in thick, don't ask me why in thin
These three hoodlums were seen there one day
One was a Raven, black as soot
One, a pesky rat who cared two hoots
One was a Cheshire cat-in-boots!
In the background, someone played a pipe!
The tune was rather familiar
All of you must have heard it, dears
It was Dylan's, venting his fears
Singing in his manner, cavalier
"The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind"
The pipe kept playing, getting on my nerves
Harrowing, as the questions had changed
As, what the ****, we lived now in a land of new pervs
First, there was the pandemic
Corona virus, not one, but two strains
Second, the lockdown, strategic
"Twas enough to make you dash out your brains
"I wish I'd gone with the Piper", the pesky rat sqeaked
The Chehsire cat only smiled and vanished
The smile remained but the cat disappeared
"Nevermore" quoth the Raven, as of old
The cat reappeared, and the rat's smile vanished
"This is our chance, mates," the pesky rat intoned
"The whole town is ours, a giant playground"
"Nevermore" was all the raven replied!
They ransacked the shops,
They pillaged the homes
They looted the houses
They feasted on scones
The men whom they had all once feared
Cowered at the sight of the strange trio
The pesky rat told the cat the raven's name was Rio
The Cheshire cat or his smile grinned or alternately wavered
"When will we three meet again", the rat was found to ask
"If this pandemic blows over?"
Putting his paw over Raven's beak to cover -
To not make him say "nevermore" was such a bloody task
The Cheshire cat froze, for behind them was seen a hideous, horrific, horrendous figure
That of a woman they called the Mad Hatter
His smile vanished, brain in a scatter
"Nevermore" quoth the raven, its black feathers all a quiver!
The Mad Hatter, that fearsome figure
Had summoned them/conjured them up for a day from her lockdown tomes
To haunt the streets of Hamelyn and its homes
And listen to a pipe playing the same song, with an insane rigour!
I leave you here, my dear readers
To guess who this troublesome Mad Hatter is
Who is torturing us, and these three poor souls
The answer, my friend, still blowin' in the wind is.... 

19th April
The prompt for today is an imaginary conversation among the Cheshire Cat of Lewis Carroll, The Raven of Edgar Allen Poe and one of the pesky rats, of The Pied Piper of Hamelin, which refuses to be lured away by the Piper. The terrific threesome meet in the corona virus times and get talking.
The conversation is to be embellished by the refrain of The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

Prompt given by Santosh Bakaya

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