Monday, April 26, 2021

27th April, TSL's Napowrimo, Prompt by Nidhi Popli, poem by me

Prompt Name : Maybe they had their reasons-
Think of something someone did to you that you didn't understand at that time. Write a poem justifying their reasons, as you understand them now, with the benefit of hindsight
Nidhi Popli

We used to sit on those steps
or on the stone
It might have been granite
Memory is sepia
even in the mind
We would look at each other
Say nothing
Why did you put a circle around yourself
so that I never leaned over and touched you
or kissed you
with that story that was probably
an invitation, and not a fobbing off?
Or was it just the opposite?
Or just a story showing you trusted me enough
to tell me your secrets?
Whatever, the time went by
I am left with a petty regret

That I was too nice a guy
not wild enough to give a kiss a try
And you; too ordinary, staid,
and middle-class a town girl
only hung out in the sun to dry.


  1. That seems a scene straight out of the 90s when there were lots of inhibitions despite so much genuine love. Brings out that innocence so beautifully.

  2. Lovely ! Leaves one with a pang in the heart .
