Wednesday, April 07, 2021

April 7 TSL NAPOWRIMO's poem written by me based on Sunita Singh's prompt Illusion

 When parents fight

and children get hurt
and later they make up
or they don't
the children grow up
hating them both
or one of them
or the other
or conflicted
or making their peace
that that is how it is
in this world
and grow up
well or ill
due to the dysfunctional
homes they had
and are not understood
by society
who cut them no slack
and suffer or cause
suffering to others
as a result
we have to say
it is all
only an illusion
Let it go
When a child is born
and cannot hear
or cannot speak
or some other such thing
and people say
his parents sinned
or he or she is reaping
for his sins
or you did not give
enough to the poor
to the father
or it's genetic
to the mother
not knowing science
all you can say
is these people are in an illusion
and say aloud
let us be
When loved ones fall ill or die
and you pray
for them
as you cannot pay the bills
or need them there
or for resurrection
and God turns a blind eye
and a deaf ear
to your prayer
and you become as a result
or resigned
or angry
or even more confused and sad and rebellious than before
just let it go
and think of this
Who wants to live forever?
Life ends with death
and maybe an illusion
and death itself, who knows
might be an illusion
When girls are raped
and people say
that is awful
but say
let the rapists go
you know their words
of gender justice
and gender equality and equity
were all lies
and you say nothing
but if possible
you go alone
after the fucker
and kill him
teach him the illusion is thinking
nemesis does not catch up with you
to make up for the depression
and trauma
and suffering the victim goes through
all her life
her faith and hope lost
her pride in her gender identity in confusion
while the other so-called wise people go around saying
don't worry
life itself is an illusion
When evil abounds
and even the best are not good enough
and husbands are not true and faithful
and wives are not wise
and children don't know
just what to do
but try their best
all the same
close your eyes
take a deep breath
and dismiss the illusion
that things can't be better
and drive the cobwebs away
and refuse to see yourself as the fly
caught in a spider's web
and spread your wings and escape!
You are the eagle
fly high
and all the land you see will be yours.

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