Friday, April 16, 2021

My poem for today's TSL Prompt by Pratyush Mishra which was a brilliant one.

 16 April TSL Napowrimo...Prompt:- the three exercises poem.

It's more of an exercise in three steps to unblock and flow on paper.
Step 1:-
Jot down one line on paper as clearly as you can about the current state of your mind.
Jot down three appropriate emotions that you are feeling with respect to your state of mind.
Jot down the first three things you see around yourself in your immediate surrounding.
Step 2:-
Imagine that the three objects around you are personifications/manifestations of those three emotions that you have jotted down.
Step 3:
Using material /lines /concepts generated in the first two steps write a poem not exceeding 20-25 lines.
-given by
Pratyush Mishra
The current state of my mind is lethargic
Three emotions: ennui, lassitude, apathy
Three objects: Nutella glass got free by buying it as the nutella came in it, Casio alarm clock, mobile phone Samsung A 30
The Glass is empty
It's too much effort
to get up and clean it
heat water in my kettle
pour it in
put in the three-in-one coffee powder
the cover of which I have to slit with a scissor
and then to drink it
watching it go again
from full to empty.
The Alarm Clock has green
phosphorescent hands
imitating the slush
and sluggishness in my mind
while the black borders of the numbers and the silver second needle
only accentuate
my endless procrastination
against a background of white and a back of black and silver
The Mobile Phone has a black face
like tar and black coffee
I remember Gray and Keats
wrapped in melancholy
and wonder if my fate
will be the same -
words writ on sand
washed away by the water
and an elegy in a graveyard
while the birds in sympathy twitter
then fall silent
while somewhere a Glass lies unused
and an Alarm Clock
no longer rings,
like a Mobile Phone's blackened, blacked-out face
merely confused.

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