Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Poems by me for TSL NAPOWRIMO Prompts 12 and 13 given by Shalini Samuel and Meenakshi Mohan

 April 11th Prompt by

Shalini Samuel

for TSL's Napowrimo on Lovingly, I hate you

A girl I knew
She stole my poem
And posted it
As if hers to 'shew'

Lovingly, I hate you.
I thought
for thinking my poem good enow
to be 'stole'

but you are just a thief, asshat
and a bad one, at that!

When asked by someone
did you steal
she said no, never
They all believed her
or pretended to
as that is how it goes
out here.

They will, hatingly, not haltingly, love such fakes
as it was not their poem that got 'stole', the apes

But hearing this
and the acclaim she got
despite or for
her thieving ways
I changed my mind

Now hatingly, I hate her
and all such haters, and the hateful

No love need be lost on such people.

Napowrimo April 13 Prompt Rainbow given by Meenakshi Mohan

North is Violet, a flower
North West indigo, from which came ink
East of North Green, the parade of envy
East is Blue, and porn is too
South of East is Yellow, and fallow
South is Orange, fruit and colour
Sou'wester is a toofan of red
Black and White must be the pris(on)m of the West
A Rainbow of land and air
Undercover, without doubt, hangs fire.

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