Wednesday, April 21, 2021

TSL Napowrimo prompt by Deepika Chand Open your lips and Sing and my poems on it

 TSL Napowrimo Prompt April 22 Four poems by Koshy AV

Open your lips and sing - given by
Deepika KC Chand
1, Open your eyes, poetry
and sing to me
always for me my lover
the one in my fantasy
woman whose lips are in her
secret places
and from there I drink
your fountains and graces
that spout forth from me
in sounds like that of nightingales
heard by the heart of a maiden at the window
of her garden
in plentiful long-lost, lovelorn notes
of melancholy
enchanting her and weary travellers
romantic to the core

my eternal verse

2. Love
Open your lips and sing to me
Anna, mon amour
with the lips that are wounds in your hands
with your eyes
and your lips I adore
with the lips of your heart
and the lips of your thighs
the lips in your bust
and sternum
and cerebellum
the lips of your spine that hold me straight
and the ones that make me float
that of your love's helium
3. Open your lips and sing
my children
The world grows ever dark and
is a question
But sing, sing your way through
Till your heart is burning
with faith, hope and love
out of the darkness of the future
and know there is always light
at the end of the day of sunlight
still, of starlight and moonlight
4. The Sacred
Open your lips and sing
I met you too on the road
my personal Damascus
like Paul
Meeting you has made me lonely
marked me
set me apart
in a world that does not want you
but your song
more beautiful than any other's
I had heard ever, by far
so far
made me easily turn my back on the world
give it up
So open your lips and sing to me
for when you do
the things of the earth grow strangely dim
and even heaven's
made new.

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