Wednesday, April 28, 2021

TSL Prompt April 29th based on Sufjan Stevens latest instrumental album in five parts.

 TSL Prompt April 29th based on Sufjan Stevens latest instrumental album in five parts.

There have been no convocations in my life so far.
But once I went for one for my daughter
The photographs remain
Of her convocation
In Bangalore, a school
I had barged in to for admission
And they had given my daughters shelter
A miracle
At a time when I had just shifted there for my son
Who had been diagnosed with autism
Angels littered my way and ended in that
convocation. There must be something to
This quaint tradition
Here Stevens calls together "a
Large number of people
For an assembly" that is not formal
Unlike the degree conferring one
To listen to his music.
Sonic scapes accompanied by swirls of psychedelic images
My daughter wore a white sari.
Stevens is calling us to an epic
As is this poem
An album of 49 tracks
Of which the first ten are meditations
What does he meditate on?
He mediates on death
Father's, mother's, O Lowell O Carrie, his
by association, mine
and everyone's
maybe even God's
Let us stretch our imagination
It is about meditation
It is meditation
It is meditation on meditation
It is mediation
We lament
grieve parting
long for reunion
feel sad at absence
Sorrow over memories
Nothing brings back the dead
Except moments
The dead who live in us
The living who die is us
Sufjan's mother and father
My sister, father, mother, mother in law, sister in law's son
Who else died
I am familiar with death
This music creeps by me upon the waters
And we sit still by the rivers of Babylon
To weep
Waiting for exile from life to end
Waiting for our mouths to be filled with never known laughter
I have had revelations galore
It tired me
If only I had been able to make them into
and not poems
it might have produced
a better result.
Poetry makes nothing happen
does not drive away
delay or make death depart
Revelations, it seems, are not enough.
The story does not end there.
After sorrow there must be a time of joy
After rain, sunshine
To cliche it
After poetry, prose
When you take stock of loved ones' lives
And come to terms with their departure
I am writing this not only for myself but my friends who are grieving
I am writing this bittersweet
I am writing this with the pain(t)brushes of autumn
I am writing this with hot tears of happiness
I am celebrating oxymorons
Love and death cuddle in my poems in music
No one hears
I am 'lost' in the celebration
I wonder if anyone will ever read these lines
Or listen to the music of the spheres in Sufjan
When nothing matters anymore except to go on
For the sake of loved ones
I celebrate
by lighting up black candles
to give light
for my loved ones
one step at a time
Incantations (One less and unreleased)
Njaan Malayalathil ezhuthaarilla
I never write in Malayalam
But if we come to incantations
I would say
Kalkandam/Rock sugar?
The poem trails away into chants somnolent
The poem
With a(n) manthram/incantation.

🍎29th April's Prompt
Convocations- Dr.
Ampat Koshy
Convocations in five parts divided into ‘Meditations’, ‘Lamentations’, ‘Revelations’, ‘Celebrations’ and ‘Incantations’
based on Sufjan Stevens latest album. Write one or 5 poems using the 5 words in it
Be inspired by Sufjan Steven's album

Convocations, the new instrumental album from Sufjan Stevens, moves like a two-and-a-half-hour electronic/ambient mass for our present age of anxiety and dread; its 49 tracks work through the stages of grief and gladness with emotional mood music that is dreamy, dissonant, vertiginous, rhythmic, repetitive, urgent, and calm—that is, all the things we undergo when we inevitably live through isolation, uncertainty, and loss. Its five sonic cycles (Meditations, Lamentations, Revelations, Celebrations, and Incantations) replicate different stages of mourning, healing and catharsis, working both to soothe our unease while savoring a renewed sense of awe and wonder for being alive in these unprecedented times. Stevens initiated Convocations in response to (and as an homage to) the life and death of his father, who died in September last year, two days following the release of The Ascension. It is, then, ultimately an album about death, and an album that reflects a year in which we have all lost so much. That said, this is not a personal record, but a universal one. Convocations is built on a shared experience that seeks to be honest about how complicated grief can be in these difficult times—the pain and separation, the anxiety, the unknown, the absolute joy of memory. This is also an album made in lockdown, when we were all cloistered in whatever space we had. Convocations arrives just as we begin to emerge from a year whose losses we will calculate for a lifetime. It is, then, right on time, as we begin to process our grief and try to carry on with it. ©2021 AKR P.O. BOX 1282 LANDER, WY 82520 USA ALL MUSIC PERFORMED, RECORDED, MIXED AND PRODUCED BY SUFJAN STEVENS © 2021 SUFJAN STEVENS MUSIC/ASCAP

Meditations live now. Lamentations live now. Revelations live now. Celebrations: April 29th Incantations: May 6th

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