Tuesday, May 11, 2021

May 11th TSL Pandorathon Prompt by Santosh Bakaya and poem by me

 TSL's Pandorathon May 11th Prompt: A conversation between a frown and a smile given by Santosh Bakaya

The frown said: "You are anti-national"
The smile said nothing but "You are mistaken"
The frown said you are against my religion
The smile said nothing but lost none of its lustre
The frown said you are against the high castes
The smile said nothing but broke into a laugh
The frown said you a ------------- NRI
The smile smiled on by changing the narrative of the adjective
The frown said you discriminate against the rich
The smile did not hear, it was helping the poor
The silly frown said pro-Islam does not translate to anti-terrorist
The smile became wider at the patently absurd
The smile was used to facing the contradictions
in others between words, beliefs, actions, and what not
because it faced them in itself already daily, everyday
so it kept on smiling through thick and thin
through the vicissitudes of life, the bouquets, and brickbats
the plaudits and the insults, it was equable to all
The smile kept on smiling despite all the frowns
It soon became all smile and vanished in a grin
a chortle, a chuckle, a mischievous giggle
Between the smile's and the frown's wars the smile always won
Till the frown had to be found far away, flown.

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