Monday, May 31, 2021

TSL Pandorathon May 31st Last prompt also finished hurray!

 TSL Pandorathon May 30th Prompt Cockroach Sermon to an Insectiicde given by Santosh Bakaya for whom I have rewritten the famous sermon in T S Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral given by the Archbishop of Canterbury to cheer her up

"This is the way the world ends (for cockroaches)
Not with a bang but with..." pesticide (TSE/Hollow Men)
Murder in the KItchen
by C. O. C. K..R. Oach
The Archroach preaches in the KItchen on Roach Martyrs' Day Morning, 2020
'Glory to The Almighty Cockroach in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to all cockroaches.' The fourteenth verse of the second chapter of the Gospel according to Saint Dead Roach. In the Name of the Father Roach, and of the Son and Daughter Roaches , and of the Holy Ghosts of all the Roaches. Amen.
Dear children of the Almighty Roach in Heaven, my sermon this morning will be a very short one. I wish only that you should ponder and meditate the deep meaning and mystery of our lives on Roaches Martyrs' Day. For whenever we do so it is said, we re-enact the Passion and Death of Our Roaches; and on this Day we do this in celebration of our eternal ability to multiply and carry on endlessly despite the same. So that at the same moment we rejoice in our tenacity for the salvation of cockroaches, and offer again to the Almighty Roach our Bodies and Blood in sacrifice, oblation and satisfaction for the sins of the men and women who spray on us their bloody insecticides ceaselessly. It was in this same night that has just passed, many years ago, that a multitude of the heavenly host of the spirits of dead roaches appeared before the men at research laboratories, saying, 'Glory to the Almighty Cockroach in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward all cockroaches'; at this same time of all the year that we celebrate at once the Birth of our multitudes and our Passion or suffering at the hands of men and their insecticides and Death upon that Cross. Beloved, as the World sees, this is to behave in a strange fashion. For who in the World will both mourn and rejoice at once and for the same reason? For either joy will be overborne by mourning, or mourning will be cast out by joy; so it is only in these our cockroach mysteries that we can rejoice and mourn at once for the same reason. 'But think for a while on the meaning of this word 'peace.' Does it seem strange to you that the heavenly cockroaches should have announced Peace, when ceaselessly our little cockroach world has been stricken with War and the fear of War? Does it seem to you that the angelic voices of the heavenly cockroaches were mistaken, and that the promise was a disappointment and a cheat?
Reflect now, how Our Almighty Cockroach Himself spoke of Peace. He said to His disciples, meaning us, 'My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.' Did He mean peace as we think of it: the kingdom of kitchens at peace with the cockroaches living in it, the wife at peace with the King Cockroach in her dustbin, the householder counting over his peaceful gains, the swept hearth, his best wine for a friend at the table, his singing to the children while cockroaches run freely over his table, into all dresses and into the wine and bread and out? Those cockroaches His disciples knew no such things: they went forth to journey afar, to suffer by land and sea, to know torture, imprisonment, disappointment, to suffer death by martyrdom and insecticides. What then did He mean? If you ask that, remember then that He said also, 'Not as the world gives, give I unto you.' So then, He gave to His disciples peace, but not peace as the world gives.
Consider also one thing of which you have probably never thought. Not only do we at the feast of Cockroaches Martyrs' Day celebrate at once Our Births and Deaths: but on the next day we celebrate the martyrdom of His first martyr, the blessed Stephen Roach. Is it an accident, do you think, that the day of the first martyr follows immediately the day of the Birth of all roaches? By no means. Just as we rejoice and mourn at once, in the Birth and in the Passion of all Cockroaches on earth; so also, in a smaller figure, we both rejoice and mourn in the death of martyrs. We mourn, for the sins of the world that has martyred them; we rejoice, that another soul is numbered among the cockroaches in Heaven, for the glory of the Almighty Cockroach and for the salvation of cockroaches.
Beloved, we do not think of a martyr simply as a good cockroach who has been killed because he is a Cockroach: for that would be solely to mourn. We do not think of him simply as a good cockroach who has been elevated to the company of the Saint cockroaches: for that would be simply to rejoice: and neither our mourning nor our rejoicing is as the world of humans is. A Cockroach martyrdom is no accident. Saint cockroaches are not made by accident. Still less is a Cockroach martyrdom the effect of a man's will to become a killer, by making insecticides, as a man by willing and contriving may become a ruler of men. Ambition fortifies the will of man to become ruler over other men: it operates with deception, cajolery, and violence, it is the action of impurity upon impurity. Not so in Cockroach Heaven. A martyr, a saint, is always made by the design of the Almighty Cockroach, for His love of cockroaches, to warn us and to lead us, to bring us back to His ways of not getting killed by insecticides. A martyrdom is never the design of man; for the true martyr is he who has become the instrument of, who has lost his will in the will of the Almighty Cockroach, not lost it but found it, for he has found freedom in submission to it. The martyr no longer desires anything for himself, not even the glory of martyrdom. So thus as on earth the cockroaches mourn and rejoice at once, in a fashion that the world cannot understand; so in Heaven the Saint cockroaches are most high, having made themselves most low, seeing themselves not as we see them, but in the light of the future from which they draw their being.
I have spoken to you today, dear children, of the martyrs of the past, asking you to remember especially our martyr of Kitchen, the blessed Archroach Kitchenpest; because it is fitting, on this day, to remember what is that peace which he brought; and because, dear children, I do not think I shall ever preach to you again; and because it is possible that in a short time you may have yet another martyr, and that one perhaps not the last. I would have you keep in your hearts these words that I say, and think of them at another time. In the Name of the Almighty Papa Roach (not the rapper, nor a reefer), and of the Son and Daughter Roaches, and of the Holy Ghosts of all the Roaches. Amen.
Copyright reserved to TSE and Dr. Koshy AV who has lifted his speech entirely for his own nefarious 'cockroacherly' purposes.

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