Saturday, May 08, 2021

TSL's Pandorathon May 8th Prompt Conversation between a Crow and a Parakeet

 TSL's Pandorathon May 8th Given by Santosh Bakaya - a conversation between a crow and a parakeet.

Crow: I am humble kin to Raven
eulogized by God and E A Poe and Ted Hughes and the Native American Indian
Parakeet: I am a member of the parrot family
They put me in cages, in groups, some of us
The humans
They are fascinated I can imitate their speech.
Crow: In India, they make much of me
I even appeared in children's stories
Parakeet: We exist beyond all this
They may go but we remain
Crow: Yes, but doesn't it irk you
to be bred and kept behind bars for ages?
They do not think me, fortunately,
So important, thank the Great Crow in the Sky for his mercies
Parakeet: The Great Parakeet in the Sky is probably not so powerful
As the Great Crow in the Sky, I guess.
In their story in Greece and India you are intelligent though ugly
Some believe you to be their ancestor
I have no famous tales on me
Yet somehow caught their attention
As I, unfortunately, can mimic their chatter
So meaningful to them and meaning nothing to me
Their Praise God and fuck you mean the same thing to me.
Although when I repeat it they wonder if I know that!
Hehehe, "what fools these mortals be"
Something I picked up from them from a chap called Shakespeare
Crow: We are all mortal
Parakeet: But they hanker for immortality
Crow: A strange concept
Parakeet: Let us stop discussing their ways and means
Foolish tyrants
Let me sing and you caw to a beat.

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