Sunday, January 02, 2022

2 Prompt Poems

 Disclaimer: (Prompt from Koshur Qalam - کآشُر قلم January 2, 2022) by Dr. Koshy AV

I do not love your forehead
I do not love your eyes
I do not love your cheek or chin
I do not love your hair and that stray lock that escapes from it often
I do not love your nose
I do not love the colour of your skin
I do not love the shape of your face
I do not love any part of you
I love you whole, or not at all,
right through thick and/or thin.

2. Based on a picture prompt by Gauri Dixit (picture given below)
The cup that cheers
The cup that inebriates
The cup that intoxicates
The cup that invigorates
The half empty cup
The half full cup
The overflowing cup
The cup of the bra
The cup that merry makes
The rum and coke and ice cubes filled cup
The dark as wine cup
The cup of blood
Denoting sacrifice
The cup in the hand
worth two in the bush
The cup in the pic
The cups in this poem
The many a slip
between the lip and the cup
The cup that matters
Or does not

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