Thursday, January 20, 2022

Reflection and Isolated - 2 poems

 Reflection - a roseate sonnet, January 20 Koshur Qalam - کآشُر قلم Poetry prompt challenge poem by Dr. Koshy AV

See the lights reflected in the water
That comes from the lamp-posts on the quay
In the night, shimmering and shining
When they switch them off, they are gone; but not forever
See them dancing in the pale moonlight
Memories of bygone times
Fireflies, will o' the-wisps, the glow-worms of life
'Minna minungukal', signs of strength, right?
If the stars go out, they will come out again
If they come out again, they shall shine on
Rose, I see my reflection in the mirror
Of a night, glimmering wetly as if in water
Sin looks sweet and sometimes, breaking and marring your image, deceives
Even a fallen reflection still infers there's something beyond its eaves

Isolated Prompt Koshur Qalam - کآشُر قلم poetry challenge January 21 by Dr. Koshy AV
Isolated is as isolated thinks
Isolated is as isolated does
Isosceles is isolated's name
Isocrates, his brother, left him maimed
When the ocean creatures
Crawl on land
They feel alone, like on Mars
in a group, on the sand
But if you can see the night sky
On a cloudy 'day'
Isolation is not the key
That's the way

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