Saturday, January 15, 2022

The next three in the series

 Guilt Koshur Qalam - کآشُر قلم poetry prompt challenge January Sixteenth by Dr. Koshy AV

When the whole world is against you
don't feel any guilt
They are ignorant
The loss is theirs

Pain January 15th Koshur Qalam - کآشُر قلم poetry challenge prompt by Dr. Koshy AV
We go through various stages of pain
The first cry is of pain at
being ejected from the womb
and being slapped on the buttocks by the doctor
to make one cry if one does not
as that is not good
We do not remember it
but we do, unconsciously
Then there is the pain of not any longer
being fed the breast
and of finding your parents are not gods
though perhaps closer than it to than other humans
yet only or most in their treatment of you
Some have no such luck but more pain
There is the pain of being an infant
and a child
then the pain of being young
of being unloved
or unaccepted
of not being able to belong
of insult and injury
wound and wear and tear
of hurt and harm
of suffering
the pain of school
and college
or university
of being always in the minority
refusing to back down or give up
fighting to be equal
and get others to give you the space of equity
the pain of initiation
of growing up
of job and slavery and career
of always having to battle to survive
with each life being a war field - fought solo
of unrequited love
of lost love
of illness and disease
and on the way
the terrible, rending pain of meeting death for the first time
the horrible pain of losing loved ones
the pain of being at the receiving end
of injustice meted out to you
of being taken for a ride
of no one caring, no one bothered
the pain of being always under pressure in the world
to survive and then the pains of mistakes
and wrongs
an endless litany of pains
till you finally come one day to stop
counting the pains
as you get they are endless
and concentrate instead on
how pain makes you stronger
and all have it
and lessening it is the only way forward
facing it
or driving it back
to where it becomes only what it's supposed to
pain that makes you stronger each time
and pain that makes you learn to be better
In the end, your scars proclaim you
lived and thrived and even gave
but do not define you
Pain becomes an anodyne
Free from its pain your new life begins

My skin Koshur Qalam - کآشُر قلم poetry challenge January 14, 2022, poem by Dr. Koshy AV
My skin
I have worn various skins down the years
Soft as a baby's
Hard as a rhino's
Sunlight as a wrapper
Oil as a healer
Which one should I claim,
Skin as covering
or skin as dry, and (un-) peeling?
(Skin burning and cracking, crackling in concentration camps,
the skin of history?)
Bare skin or skin as a 'hide'?
The colour of it or its feel or taste
and touch, and its metaphoric, metonymic scales?

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