Friday, April 16, 2021

Abecedarian poem TSL Napowrimo prompt by Kashiana Singh April 17th and an old ekphrastic poem plus another small new poem

 Abecedarian poem TSL's Napowrimo Prompt by

Kashiana Singh

April 17

After bathing comes daydreaming
Ever fascinating:
"Green hexagons in Jeremiads.
Krypton lost.
Meursault necks.
On. Pluto
Quails. Racccoons?!"
Stop. Time unspools.
Verity/verily wan, xenic.
You, zen.

Fauna hid in the tall green grasses

April 17 2013

with fauns
and yellow- leaved satyrs
but one day she met her nemesis
in a dark man who fair women in a pool
and fauna fell in love
fell ill
one day fauna died
fauna is dead, like god, they said
and pan, the great goat, with his flute is too
only the dark man and his maids in the pool
survived to tell the truth you view - (you view was originally to the blue)

Version 2

Fauna hid in the tall green grasses
with fauns
and yellow-leaved satyrs.
But one day she met her nemesis
in a dark man whom fair women in a pool
and Fauna fell in love,
fell ill.
Fauna died.
Fauna is dead, like God, they said
and Pan, the great goat, with his flute is too.
Only the dark man and his maids in the pool
survive to tell the truth you view -
Painting by James Price Waterhouse (I think)

Close your book
April 17 2017

Close your book
Focus on life
Not on the ones who did/do not care
On the failures
Or the strife
But on the ones who did
The victories
And the
"Abundant Life".

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