Friday, April 16, 2021

Three small but lovely poems, the second one published in Glomag recently.

 The mother is brown

The seed is blown
The tree is born
Earth, wind, fire
The water, drawn
The husbandry, fed
The grass, by feet worn
Earth, fire, wind
The ether sings
Of gales, rings & ripples
Of radio waves
Fire, wind, earth
Five elements
En-circle my life
Will en-fold my death
Wind, earth, fire

There's no place for hope on this Earth? Sad...
Ampat Koshy
 January 2021
Hope is the white dove
that no longer exists
with the green olive leaves in its beak
that has to be dreamed into being from above
into a new country
that too must be dreamed into being
where she can find a resting place for her feet
and her mate can join.

What is life
without love
and praising God for making a tree
as only He can
or without standing and staring
when feminine beauty passes by
and not writing poetry?

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