Saturday, April 03, 2021


 April 4 TSL's NAPOWRIMO Prompt given by

Satbir Chadha

"The Lazy Music is Still"

A Purely Mystic Poem
When Being spoke to Nothingness
Explosion of white heat
When the universe began to pulse, unfold, and expand
The Big Bang beat and the galaxies twirled
The lazy music went still
When something came from nothing
When chaos yielded to order
When the simple evolved into the complex
When matter brought forth energy and life
The lazy music was still
When the stars threw down their spears
When tyrannosaurus fought pterodactyl
When King Kong faced off with Godzilla
When the comet hit the earth and they all perished
The lazy music was still

Consider behemoth eating grass
Consider leviathan and take heed
Consider the unicorn
Consider the dragon, or the snake who used to talk
The lazy music of all of them was stilled
When the waters of the flood rose and covered the earth
When the people who survived worshipped the sun
When life began again to multiply
When the wild ox and the sea serpent were slain
The lazy music was still
When time zeroed in on the cross, death and grave
When the stone was rolled back and the Man arose again
When the centre of the earth was the centre of history
When the calendar was split like the curtain of the temple
The lazy music was still
When the woman fell in love with the man
When she forgave him fully the way Blake has said
When they made love and it was like nothing on earth
Nothing before and heaven and earth became one
The lazy music was still
When God is Father and the Jerusalem from above is Mother
When the Son is shining and the Bride is waiting
Waiting to enter the bridal chamber
When the children born of that communion
Are the children who are the new race, the future
The lazy music is still
When this is read and it is not understood
When this is sung and it is not heard
When there is a new earth and paradise
When every tear is wiped and every tongue confesses
And every knee bows at the name I leave unsaid
The lazy music is done or undone. Finally.
The lazy music is moving or still.

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