Saturday, April 03, 2021

April 3 TSL NAPOWRIMO A haibun

 Today's prompt in TSL's NAPOWRIMO given by

Gauri Dixit

is "Monsters under the bed" to be written as a haibun

Day 3 April 3
I close the monitor at night. When I wake up in the morning, the white lights light up as if smiling. As if in. Greeting. Under each silver key. The dot-like black ants come out, from the circuitry inside. Why are you in there?! I ask. I am amazed by their answer. We thought it is someone's bed, and the crumbs of food we take in for our parties under it makes our nights a pleasant revelry with these artificial lights to make it bright as day like the moon and the stars do it for you. Monsters, I think! Just not under my bed, but my keyboard!
Miniscule black ants
Come out from asdf
Go into lk
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