Thursday, April 01, 2021

NAPOWRIMO TSL 2021 First three poems by Koshy AV

 TSL's NAPOWRIMO early bird poem by Koshy AV

Early Bird Poem
(for the Napowrimoers)
Take out those pencils
Find those sharpeners
What about them erasers?
Only in India called rubbers.
Oops, and rubbers
Are something else, elsewhere!
Get some nice paper
Quills, pens, dot-pens
Whatever your fetish
Ink blue or rainbow-colours
Notch the poems on your wall
Four lines and then crossed out
Store them in a blog or file
Nothing less than thirty, go!
Post them, see if others will read
Make it sing and they will plead
"Give me more", like Oliver Twist
Come, it is that time of year
NAPOWRIMO's finally here!

A place on the body - TSL prompt 1 given by me

1st April.
Write a poem on the idea of "A place on the body."
Places on the body can be outside/inside as well as parts of the body and the body can be metaphorically seen etc,
Humorous poems are also welcome.
- Dr. Ampat Koshy
{{Example poem
In spite of her sniffle
Isabel's chiffle.
Some girls with a sniffle
Would be weepy and tiffle;
They would look awful,
Like a rained-on waffle,
But Isabel's chiffle
In spite of her sniffle.
Her nose is more red
With a cold in her head,
But then, to be sure,
Her eyes are bluer.
Some girls with a snuffle,
Their tempers are uffle.
But when Isabel's snivelly
She's snivelly civilly,
And when she's snuffly
She's perfectly luffly.
-Ogden Nash}}
Poem 1
When she disrobed
I could see all the times on her body
The infant, the child, the young lady, the woman
Where in eternal lines to time she kept growing
But she said find me a place on my body
Standing before me unabashed and free
I had always been bad at geography
Parts of her body were metaphors for me
No place suggested itself to fancy
Placeless, she stood in her nudity before me
No space could bridge her or bind her when naked
She touched every place and was infinite like space
Expanding like the universe and lovely
If I touched her with even a finger
I touched history and all its layers
Her eyes were from the North of the fortresses
Her lips were the South
Her breasts were some West
And the jewel between her thighs
East of the explorers, all topsy turvy
Her thighs were fountains
Her nipples were standards
Surreal was no new word for me, confused
No words being able to describe her beauty
Her tresses and everything best described madly
She was all place and each move spacious
Small as quantum and large as a galaxy
What can you say of a place on the body
When place was all that bewitching poetry

2nd April
The hymns of the night - Lopa Banerjee.
The night carries in its body, texture and being a million splinters and shards of poems and the nocturnal souls like me breathe in their incense and peel off ourselves layer after layer in its dark, esoteric presence.
Welcoming the poets and wordsmiths to weave their nocturnal hymns and unravel the beauty and purity of the night and its sinister dark :)

Surreal Hymns of the Night
In the night you open the sluice
Seas slide in, the gushers are on
The grass is a bed that gets wet
The singing of cicadas is a song
At midnight the oil runs free
The second hand of the clock ticks on
I love you and you love me
I undress you and you undress me
Our bodies are pelicans hung out to dry in the sun
Our bodies are wound around the peccadilloes of the town
I paint every fence of yours red
Come burn me, secret agent, I cry
You are armed and you are a spy
I long to be taken in your arms and be denied
We will fry in the hot desert sands
Walk sideways like crabs and disappear into land
Take me to the swimming pools of your eyes
Let the night write lyrics, let the guitar troubadour us
Take me past the lush slopes of your breasts
If this is poetry let me write you hymns tonight
Near the oases there are psalms and palms
Keep me reading the lines on your palms
I am your 'palm wine drinkard' and I drink from your thighs
There is space enough for us under my canopy or tent
Cradled, your head upon my muscles
We look at the sky, we wish on shooting stars
Our love is a threnody full of pain
An elegy of sorrow and an ode to joy's train
Hymns of the night or hymns to the night
I watch the lights flicker on your skin
Candles are glowing in your skin's folds
In mine, glowworms dance to nautch gone south skies
I am the carousel you ride upon
My rod spouts golden and the whirlpools fall
There are gales hidden in the eaves of your ears
There are lies destroyed in the gait of your hips
Tsunamis unfurl in the dark horses of time
I show you my spoor and you smelling salts decry
This is a twister, my tongue in yours tied
There are lullabies like butterflies and poetry unrhymed
No hymn a crescendo that matches its height
Open your mind to the ecstasy divine
Open and don't close, let bliss have it side
When being becomes non and existence the sun
When two become one and melt into none
When the graves open and dead walk and run
When orgasms multiply and tantra is done
When God is found in the space between the lies
The truth is unburrowed and exhumed at night
We kiss and lean into each other, no fright
We are children again in the arrows of light
We sing and have sung hymns of and to the light

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