Thursday, May 06, 2021

Pandorathon TSL May 6 3 poems on the prompt when bookmarks come out and talk to each other on the books they were in given by Dr Santosh Bakaya

 When book marks came out and talked of their books TSL Pandorathon 2021 May 6 with

Santosh Bakaya
His Bible is well thumbed
His thumb or forefinger is the bookmark
(Earlier old men and women would lick their fingers
and turn pages,
though that had nothing to do with bookmarks
or book marking)
His Hard Times by Dickens
Has pages the top corner of which is folded
To make it easy to find them
His dictionary is dog eared
His keyboard is dirty and dusty from overuse
Not as you may think from being not used
As for bookmarks
Well, he does not use them much
Except for one in his Dad's big letter red leather-covered Scripture that was a ribbon
And a silver one in one he got his wife
That haunts his memory
So talk of them or them talking to each other
Has to remain imaginary or non-existent
The poem anyway has been written

Bookmarks Talking 2 with
Santosh Bakaya
May 6th Pandorathon TSL

Pressed flowers and leaves
My sister would keep them
My mother too
Dried flowers
And leaves that had become
In poetry books, novels and other books
Even record books of chemistry and zoo-
Logy and physics
They filled me with awe
And a certainty
Not given by
The leather or the paper ones
However beautifully made
That the divine was there.

Book marks Talking 3 with
Santosh Bakaya
Pandorathon TSL
Tikulli Dogra
To write is to read what is
Written and
To rewrite to
Try to fill in the gaps.
I love bookmarks
My friends, some of them
Make them
I love and honour their effort and artwork
This has become an evolving poem
I love the idea they come out at night
And talk to each other of the books
They are kept in
I love the kookiness
My imagination is not constrained to think of
edible bookmarks
And ones that beg for more life and you not to discard them
And complain of the books that they are kept in
Or like them
If I was one I would like to
be made of a mix of ribbon
and leather and leaf and bark
Maybe a single petal of a rose
Hide of a deer sounds too cruel
But one that has its markings on paper, maybe
I would want to be kept in the Bishop's Candlesticks section
In Hugo's masterpiece, Les Miserables.

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