Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Pandorathon May 5 TSL and my attempt

 TSL Pandorathon's prompt May 5th given by

Santosh Bakaya

, imagine a conv between Wilde and Shaw while watching a circus using their quotes.

Night at the Circus (Irish slapstick)
Wilde: You seem inebriated, by George!
GBS: Alcohol is the aneasthesia by which we endure the operation of life.
Wilde: I have the simplest tastes, I am always satisfied with the best.
GBS: That's Wilde!
Wilde: See the pard lady. She reminds me that it is better to be beautiful than good.
GBS: (Keeps silent)
Wilde: Why are you silent? Have you no opinions of your own on the fair damsel walking a leopard down there?
GBS: Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.
Wilde: Her face is her work of fiction?
GBS: I was just thinking, that she may be attractive but she is not clever, or she would be governing the circus owner and not a leopard down there.
Wilde: Dashed astute. But for me it is all about overcoming temptation by yielding to it, the only way to overcome it, I think, which in this case is to yield to the temptation to feast my eyes on her face that is a fiction.
GBS: Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness but it is greatness.
Wilde: By George, Shaw, that is Wild!
GBS: Pshaw, Oscar, it is nothing compared to my best ones.
Wilde: Clearly you believe that modesty is not the best policy.
GBS: Ssh, the elephants, let us now stop conversing and watch the circus.
Wilde: Very well then, you watch the elephants and let me dwell on my leopard lady's face which is a...
GBS: (slightly exasperated) of fiction, I know!

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