Friday, May 14, 2021

TSL Pandorathon 14 and my poem on it

 TSL Pandorathon #14 – 14.05.2021- When a kitten and a baby elephant became great friends with Santosh Bakaya

A/The baby elephant and a/the kitten:
One wore a glove and one a mitten
I called the former Pelephant
And the kitten Oliphaunt
The elephant herd was moving
Out on the green grass of the savannah, marching
And unseen, under a big foot's crush
The poor lil' ginger tabby kitten would have become mush
When Pelephant saw him
And squealed loud enough to reach the sky's rim
His dad heard, the king
And withdrew his foot, by Zing!
Now who the hell is Zing?
You wonder, while fingering your bling
Zing is the Elephant God
In Africa's savannahs, you clod!
Pelephant and Oliphaunt
Became fast friends, eating raw ant
When one day a lion
Attacked Pelephant, by Dion!
Now who the hell is Dion?
You may wonder, while grimacing like a moron
Dion is the God of the cats
You'd know, if you had anything under your hats
The kitten waved his mitten
And said, you big Lion
Leave my friend alone
Bully your wife, instead, at home
Why should I? asked the Lion
Because you are my relative. Now begone!
Said the kitten, not fazed
By the mane of the Lion, who was amazed!
He slunk away, suitably chastised
Pelephant danced, her happy butt wibble-wobbled
They were quits now, but happy-happies
To be friends, and have more adventures
Under the blue skies in the savannah
In the tall green grass of Africa
Pelephant and Oliphaunt
Our famed and storied tabby kitten with a mitten and glove-wearing baby elephant.

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