Thursday, May 13, 2021

 TSL's Pandorathon May 13- "The sky had a sullen, resentful air today." Make this part of a flash fiction of 100 words. With Santosh Bakaya

Why today? Why not yesterday? If it had been yesterday it would have been good. Yesterday everything was fine with me. A little contrast would have been welcome. Today it is like the pathetic fallacy, pathetic...When you're down, the sky should be up like the ceiling and not down. Sullen? Resentful? Like one? Black, dark, frowning. Why? Well, for instance, all this bad news, and no end in sight. It gets to you, you know, deaths of relatives and friends and many sick, fighting and you don't know if they will recover, and absence of hospitals, beds, doctors, nurses, oxymeters, vehicles, ambulances, vaccines, oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators, health system collapse, no Remdesivir, no meds, wear masks, gloves, what not.... The silver lining was the recoveries but then here come new variants, carriers asymptomatic, lockdowns, breakdowns, new or rather worse diseases like muco something or the other surfacing or resurfacing, immobility, happy hypoxia, young deaths, children dying, you name it, we have it, the sky at least should be exempt, right? Why the hell is it not?!

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