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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Glopowrimo #24

Glopowrimo #24 Illustrated dictionaries and illustrating dictionaries

Dictionary illustrations - for Dorling Kindersley version 2.0
What if
there was a dictionary
that read your mind
and when you turned to,
for instance,
a word like
showed you not just any
generic pair
but the breasts of the one
you were thinking of?
Wouldn't that be
& peculiar?
Curiouser and peculiarer
would be
one in which when you look at a picture
it shows you the word
you call that in
your mind,
like, say,

for instance,
for example,
suppose you called her breasts
in case her name was Judy,
turning to the picture of those mammary glands
the page says
instead of the usually used word
this one.
Would such dictionaries -
Illustrated dictionaries and illustrating dictionaries -
that read you
and your mind -
not like the ones
that you and your mind read -

be welcome
or hated,
or nightmares?!

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