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Friday, April 03, 2020

Napowrimo 4 - April 3 - The Battle of the Sexes (Rhymes and near rhymes, without using Rhymezone)

"No one can win the battle of the sexes as there is too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Women complain if men have wars
They also complain if men love fast cars
When they notice the man is still wet behind the ears
It becomes the cause for much of their tears

Women hate it to see men sitting around doing nothing
Nothing is not what they're doing, they're watching somebody's thong
They are also waiting for the dinner gong
They are wondering when the bell for it will toll

Women cannot understand the male of the species
Just as men cannot stand under or step down in this thesis
As to who is better or worse, as down the ages
No one will win the battle of the sexes
Men are too busy playing football
Women, in trying to take away their balls!

I could go on with this silly poem
Endlessly and say men: corona 'em or crown 'em
Men: as Kings of the jungle and all -
But my wife and daughters read 'em
My lame rhymes and havin' see'd 'em
Will brain me if I don' admit de wimmin, dey do stand taller or as tall!

(The famous Newsweek picture of Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs)

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