The controversial sarga eight of Kumara Sambhavam by Kalidasa says of Shiva that he made love to Parvathy (Malayalam transliteration) non-stop for 25 years after getting married to her and it seemed to him like a single night in #91. This shows the power of Shakthi (Malayalam transliteration) which inspired me to write this poem. This is really a spiritual and mystical poem, with an ambiguous title that could be about Shiva- shakti, God-man, I-thou, man-woman, Ardhanareeshwara (Malayalam transliteration) etc.
I look into* the mirror
My hair is black
Thick, lustrous, soft
Wavy, long, rich
My eyes sparkle
Stars dancing in them
My lips are a luscious cherry red
My cheek has a dimple that drives men mad
And I long for you to, one day, be led
To know what it means to be me
My lissome skin, what it feels like, when touched
My legs, why they tremble, when they 'ope'
My breast, why it is tender
My third eye, why it spews fire
My nose, that is sharp and cuts like a knife
My hands, gentle, when I hold our child
I am Shakthi
Your Other
Your piece makes my puzzle complete
We become us, where I make you melt
And in reciprocation, you harden
Remember how, for years
You could not leave my side
After our wedding
Even for a moment
Each day and night
How you spent it in longing
In the nuptial bed
When you weaken, I strengthen
You, and you straighten
I am your spine
I make you divine
Without* me, even you
Yes, even you,
Would be
*As opposed to in
*Outside (of)/Apart from
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